Tech could boost Malaysia’s retail industry
Future technologies being adopted by the Malaysian retailers and mall operators include facial recognition and shopper tracking system to obtain data that could be used to derive valuable insights.
Industry 4.0 Testlabs to assist Australia’s transition to smart factories
This national network of Industry 4.0 Testlabs will facilitate collaboration across multiple sites including sharing of experiences as well as using cases among partner universities. It will provide free and open access to testlab facilities and focus on improving skills in Industry 4.0 tech.
ASTRI joins HKU Space to bolster Hong Kong’s FinTech talent pipeline
Partnership aims to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness in the technology-based sectors via training Hong Kong’s tech talent with the skills and know-how they need.
Philippine Startup Challenge to fund relevant prototypes
The partnership between the Department of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Science and Technology will provide opportunities for student-teams to develop prototypes of their ideas. Hopefully, the funding will encourage more participants to join the next challenge.
How businesses can protect themselves against web threats
One of the biggest reasons why businesses are prone to web attacks is risky employee behaviour online. However, by the time an entire organisation is inculcated with good cyber hygiene practices, too much damage would have already been done.
New app to help Australian youth develop life skills
By playing the game, young people can learn how to create daily routines, build literacy and develop problem-solving skills. The platform would also help with things like budgeting, paying bills, and buying and cooking food.
Indonesian traders to benefit from AI-based app
Leveraging artificial intelligence, the app relies on big data to display information based on recorded data as well as analysis of the stock market. It eliminates complicated information allowing more consumers to use it to trade.
EXCLUSIVE – Building a scalable data analytics platform for government
Australia’s ACT Government is keeping up to speed with data analytics with an enterprise grade data analytics platform. Dr Ole Nielsen shares how his team built it and what he thinks are fundamental issues around using government data for better services and policies.
How Thailand is using open data and AI in its justice system
The Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and partners hold a roundtable on Technology for Justice to discuss how Open Data and AI can be used for Participatory Justice.
The key to treating waste in Malaysia is in technology
If Malaysia seeks to be a world-processing and value-adding centre, it needs to develop advanced processing technology like other developed economies.